Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My new bats animation

I am creating a new, much longer animation. It's a lot of fun but I have come up against a couple of problems. I was originally putting my animations together in windows moviemaker and it seemed to do the job. I would make individual scenes in photoshop and put them together in moviemaker. It worked but it was slow as long as there were under five scenes. Anything above that and it slowed to a crawl and even started to refvuse to save. So I got on the internet and started looking for an open source replacement. I came up with Avidemux which is great. (some reservations, it's mp4s wont play on quicktime and it is not exactly intuitive. I needed to read a few online tutorials before I could get it to save and I still cant here it playback sound although it will save it, strange). It's taking a little time but I'll post the animation when it's done. I'm a little disillusioned with revver and metacafe, it doesn't seem to me as though either will be a great source of cash. I mean this Revver animation embedded here has over twenty views and not a hint of cash. Metacfe is worse it has to be viewed thousands of times before a payout.